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GitHub repository

On you find the main repository of Form History Control (II). The sourcecode that you can find here is open source and licensed with an MIT Licence.

Github repository location:

If you are looking for the old (pre webextensions) version of Form History Control, this is also still available at


If you are a developer and have ideas to improve or fix the code or you want to help with translations you can do so by creating a Pull Request on GitHub. After review by the author your contribution may be merged within the main repository and appear in the next release.


If you encounter issues using Form History Control you can report these on On the issues page you see all open issues as well as issues that have been resolved in the past.

If you have questions, suggestions to improve or enhance Form History Control feel free to report these also as issues. Your question may even be answered bij another user!

Issues page: formhistorycontrol-2/issues

MIT License

MIT License:
A short and simple permissive license with conditions only requiring preservation of copyright and license notices. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.

See the full text of the license here: MIT License

More info (blog)

Blogger icon More (background) info can also be found on this blog:

If you are not comfortable with GitHub you can post comments, questions or feature-requests on this blog.